SCOUT – ATO smarter data program


During the course of 2015 and 2016, Frisk and IBM have partnered with the ATO to deliver “Scout” as part of the Smarter Data program.

Scout is a powerful, yet simple system of insight, delivering significant benefits to the ATO’s case management staff across the country.

Scout combines the power, accuracy and speed of Frisk’s indexing/search engine with IBM’s natural language processing capabilities through Watson analytics, enabling Scout to deliver a simple and intuitive user experience that unlocks the capability for Case Managers to quickly and efficiently locate relevant case notes and documents associated with cases of interest.

This new capability delivers not only the access to relevant notes and documents for current cases being worked on but also the opportunity to review similar cases through inferred content (filters), enabling Case Officers to make more informed decisions on possible outcomes of a current case.

Scout has been developed after a high level of engagement with ATO staff, confirming user requirements and then prototyping the system initially in the ATO RAD Lab to prove out capability, gain user acceptance and confirm business benefits.

Scout – release 1 (Search) was released into production in January 2016
Scout – release 2 (Discover) will be released into production in October 2016