Nick Kervin signs up for Vinnies CEO Sleepout
On June 23, our CEO Nick is sleeping out to raise money for the Vinnies Australia CEO Sleepout.
Nick has been spotted this week fine-tuning the office heating to optimal warmth levels, so we have some suspicions that the wooly weather may not bode well. In many ways, this is what makes Nick our faithful CEO – he does what is needed even if it’s tough.
He’s on a mission to raise $4000 to provide services like food, accommodation, counselling and employment for those that are in need. We think that is an awesome mission.
If you’re keen to help him get to that goal you can donate here.
In the meantime, we’ll all keep our heads deep in the land of data and code on the 24th… just in case things get a little frosty at frisk.